Prada Marfa
Prada Marfa is a sculptural replica of a Prada boutique, remotely located on the edge of a Texas Highway.
The artists, Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset imagined it would just disappear over time, but rather than fade away, Prada Marfa has turned into a cultural sensation. It has appeared on The Simpsons, in Beyonce’s Instagram feed, and has attracted countless social media influencers over the years. It has weathered the elements, a legal threat and repeated acts of vandalism.
We've chosen to share Prada Marfa as our Christmas card and post for 2022 due to its parallels with the last couple of years; isolated in our homes and working remotely, businesses facing legal dilemmas, forced to close and weather the covid storm. We were all challenged and tested. Yet, just like Prada Marfa, many of us are still standing, and haven't faded away. For this, for the strength and patience our clients summoned, for the trust in us to help them pull through, we celebrate you and wish you our warmest congrats and great success for 2023 and beyond.
I hope you all have the warm and wonderful rest and recharge time you deserve.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
RS ☆

Photography: Damian Watts