Waterford Crystal Paspaley Polo
As much as we love Melbourne Cup, when we hear about a new equestrian event, we’re always interested. On 29th November, the Paspaley Polo in the City held its inaugural event and we were lucky enough to be invited to the Waterford Marquee.
As one of summer’s most anticipated soirees, the Polo didn’t let us down. Over 3000 guests headed to Albert Park to watch Australia’s best professional and amateur polo players take to the field. The Waterford marquee was the place to be as the only marquee permitted to serve drinks in signature crystal. Undoubtedly the only way to experience the polo is surrounded by the finer things in life.
Bec Judd threw the ball for the first challenge which saw the CGU team compete against the Stella Artois team. Event founder Janek Gazeki played for Stella while local players Ed Mandie and Dan O’Leary played for CGU.
When we weren’t glued to the game, guests took part in polo traditions like the divot stomp where you flatten out any patches of the field that have been torn up (even if you’re wearing heels!) There was also a foot race, as it’s traditionally called, and a fashion on the field competition. It was an afternoon filled with as much fun activities as glamour. ☆